New Fractal dialog box
The New Fractal dialog box is where you select a fractal to view. The list of available fractal types (equations) will vary depending on how many fractal plug-ins you have installed. Although all fractal images have their own unique charm, we recommend starting out by exploring the classic Mandelbrot set.
To open the New Fractal dialog box: On the File menu, click New.
The selected fractal appears in a new fractal window. If you already have a fractal window open, the fractal type settings in the New Fractal dialog box default to the type of the active window. The number of simultaneous fractal windows you can open is limited only by available memory.
Going from top to bottom the controls are:
- The fractal list lists the available types of fractals that you can create.
- The Julia toggle can be used to create a Julia version of the selected fractal. Julia fractals can be quite dull until you set the Julia Seed which defines what a particular Julia fractal looks like. Often the best way to set the Julia seed is to drag the seed around in a Mandelbrot window (Alt+Click) and watch the Julia window dynamically update.
- The preview box displays a preview of the selected fractal type.
- The description area displays a short description of the selected fractal type (plug-in).
- This dialog box, like many in Fractal eXtreme, can be resized to display more of the description or more fractal types in the list box.