To save a fractal under its current name
If the fractal hasn't been previously saved to disk, the Save Fractal dialog box appears for you to specify a location and name.
To save a fractal under a new name
1) On the File menu, click Save As.
2) Specify a location and name for the fractal on disk, then click Save.
Fractal eXtreme's fractals are saved with a .fx file name extension.
- When you save a fractal using the Save or Save As commands, the BMP file that is saved includes extra information about the fractal. However, some programs cannot properly handle this extra information (which is valid to have) in the BMP file. If you are having problems loading a fractal in another program, use the Save Bitmap Only command instead.
- If you are creating a fractal using a virtual screen, use the Save Bitmap Only command to save the fractal at the intended virtual-screen size.
- To save a fractal to disk so that you can easily preview it in the Favourite Spots window, save the fractal in the favourites folder within the same folder you installed Fractal eXtreme (by default, \Program Files\Cygnus Software\Fractal eXtreme).