This page contains the best of the pictures from our African adventure. They are in chronological order, except where having rolls from two cameras complicated this. There were over seven hundred pictures to start with, and it wasn't easy to discard any of them. As you can see, elephant pictures are particularly hard to remove from the "best of" collection.

These images are 450x300 pixels. We also have slightly larger pictures. All images were scaled down from 1536x1024.

The short version of the interary is: African Safari in Botswana, Victoria Falls, Eclipse viewing near Kariba, canoeing down the Zambezi, five days around Cape Town, come home. More details can be found here.


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Each picture has a descriptive caption, that should appear if you leave your mouse stationary over the image.

En-route, and Mowana Safari Lodge, Botswana

Midnight at Sal Island, Cape Verde Just arrived at Mowana Safari Lodge Alpha Centauri, Southern cross, Milky Way Fish eagles and weaver bird nests Hippos in the Chobe river Bachelor elephant Bachelor elephant Elephant family group Elephant's drinking with their trunks Baby elephant drinking with its mouth Cape Buffalo, with parasite eating bird Baobab tree at Mowana Safari Lodge Colourful flora near the lodge Guinea fowl We got very close to the elephants Elephant and jeep Dusty elephant Elephants are very photogenic Count the giraffes... Kudu Stolen guinea fowl Impala Giraffe at sunset Giraffe and birds African sunset African sunset Spot the owl Sausage tree - 40 cm seed pods I hope this lion isn't hungry We got close to lions - with nothing between us and them Lions climbing The lion and the buffalo shall lie down together

Victoria Falls area, Zimbabwe

Elephant returning a dropped hat Victoria falls mist from 20 km away Reward for a trick well done Warthogs have to kneel to eat Double rainbow, Victoria falls Proof that we were at Vic Falls Victoria falls Victoria falls mist at sunrise Our tacky Vic Falls hotel, the Kingdom Native dancers - singing 'The lion sleeps tonight' Vic Falls from a balloon Giraffe graveyard? Every piece an original work of art!

Eclipse day, Chirundu, Zimbabwe

Preparing for the eclipse Part way to totality Pinhole projection of the sun on a door A message in pinhole projections Natural pinhole cameras Watching the eclipse progress

Canoeing on the Zambezi, Zimbabwe

Camp breakfast on the canoe trip Lunch in the middle of the river Another idyllic sandbar Hippos close by A few of the thousands of hippos we saw Count the crocodiles Big croc Big croc imprints Baobab tree Baobab tree Annoyed elephant Tenacious tree Scenic village, from the canoe Elephant throwing dirt?

Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town from the Robben Island catamaran View from our hotel Helen climbing Table Mountain Unique cape flora Unique cape flora Helen climbing Table Mountain Unique cape flora View from Table Mountain, between the clouds Cape Town from the cable car High tea at the Lord Nelson Penguins near Cape Town Baby penguin near Cape Town Penguins near Cape Town Precipice near the cape The Cape of Good Hope Cape lighthouse on cliff Us at the cape The cape is very narrow

For even more pictures, go here.