The digital age is clearly upon us, but we weren't quite ready to trust all of our African vacation snaps to a digital camera. So, we took old-fashioned film pictures, and had them all scanned in when they were developed. One advantage of having the photos scanned is that we can burn a CD with all of our pictures on it, for less than $0.50. Let us know if you want some or all of the pictures.

We used to develop our film as they seemed to offer the best rates - important when developing thirty rolls of film. It was a bit scary mailing our precious vacation pictures off to what is, basically, a dot-com company, however the prints and a CD came back, as promised.

All 700+ of our African pictures are archived online by snapfish. If our filtered set leaves you wanting more you can view all of the photos at the following links:

If you follow these links to the SnapFish site you can create a free account, using your name, e-mail address and a password of your choice. They'll try to get you to order reprints of my photos.

Is Snapfish any good? It took a while for the pictures to come back. The scanning resolution was mediocre (1536x1024), and the images are over compressed - removing a bit too much detail sometimes. Still, it beats scanning in over seven hundred pictures by hand!