Status window (More Info)
The Status window displays additional information about the current fractal.
To open the Status window: On the View menu, click Status Window. To display less information about the fractal click the More Info button.
Going from the mid-point to bottom the information displayed is:
- The Less Info button causes the status window to display less information.
- The image coordinates area displays the real (top number) and imaginary (bottom number) parts of the location under the mouse pointer. The coordinates are shown to the appropriate level of precision required, based on how far in you have zoomed. Sizing the window horizontally will allow more digits to be visible.
- The max iterations area displays the maximum iterations per pixel as set by the Iteration Control window.
- The total iterations area displays the sum of all iteration counts required to calculate the entire image. This can be an extremely large number.
- The iteration count area displays the actual number of iterations performed for the current pixel under the pointer. Possible values are:
- A number between zero and max. iterations minus one -- The point is not in the Mandelbrot set, and the point "escaped" towards infinity after that many iterations.
- Infinite -- After performing max.-iterations number of iterations, the point had still not escaped towards infinity, and is therefore assumed to be part of the Mandelbrot set.
- Unknown -- The point has not yet been calculated.
- The avg. iterations per pixel area displays the average number of iterations performed per pixel. This is simply the total number of iterations required for the entire image, divided by the number of pixels in the image.
- The calculation type area displays the type of calculation routines being used. In most cases, this will appear as "FPU calcs," indicating that your computer's very capable floating point unit is being used to do the fractal calculations. To allow zooming beyond the limitations of your floating point unit, some fractal plug-ins will supply high-precision fixed point routines. These will typically appear as "96 bit calcs," or something similar, indicating the current number of bits of precision being used.
- The Iterations/second area displays the number of iterations that were performed per second on the current image. This value is obtained by dividing the total number of iterations for the entire image by the calculation time. Note: Due to various optimizations, such as guessing and watching for cycles, the number of iterations per second may actually be far beyond that capable of your computer. This is OK. It means that those optimizations worked well, and allowed your computer to do better than it ever thought it would.
- This window, like many in Fractal eXtreme, can be resized so you can view extremely precise image coordinate information.